About eight years ago I lived in a two-bedroom rental home in a cute neighborhood. Although the house itself was adorable, it was nestled in a very wooded area. I jokingly called myself the “spider slayer” during that time because of all the bugs in the house. So, when we bought the home we’re in now about two years ago I knew we’d want to spray for bugs to keep Jackson safe. Since I’d used Orkin Pest Control before, they were the clear choice for our service. Not only do they have more than 100 years of experience, but they also offer a 30-day money back guarantee. When the specialist came to our house, I learned so many tips and tricks.
In today’s post I’m sharing how to protect your home from pests with Orkin Pest Control. It’s a bit different than my normal fashion, beauty and home decor inspiration. But, it helps keep your home safe!

Living in Florida, there’s no shortage of bugs. From the gross palmetto bugs to ants, silverfish and various other insects, not only are they dangerous for animals, but they can also be bad for your property. I am NOT a fan of any bugs! The Orkin technician that came out to inspect our house has more than 20 years experience. So, he was incredibly thorough! After the inspection is complete you’ll receive your treatment plan. Our primary concern was pest control. But, they also offer termite control, lawn treatments, attic insulation and more. While their services are so important to keeping your home safe year-round, there are things you can do as well to prevent future problems.

How To Protect Your Home From Pests With Orkin Pest Control
One day when I went to feed Jackson, I noticed a long trail of ants coming and going from his food bowl from the windows in the family room near the kitchen. I’d put down some food that morning that he hadn’t eaten yet. Before he had a chance to nosh it up, the ants had gotten their portion and were bringing it back to their colony! I’d hate to think what would have happened to his little snout and mouth if I hadn’t noticed. After that, we made it a priority to get the house treated for pests.
As a leader in their industry, Orkin Pest Control specializes in pest control. So, when they came for our appointment, I took note of their best tips so we could keep things under control between treatments (pest control is not a one and done!).

1. Most Importantly – Keep the House Clean
The first and most obvious tip is to keep your house clean! Without piles of clothes and holes or crevices to crawl under, there are less places for pests to hide. So, try to clean up crumbs or things on kitchen countertops.
I’m a self-proclaimed clean freak, so I enjoy vacuuming and dusting. But, if you don’t, try to do it once a week so it doesn’t build up. Oh, and cover your trash bins!

2. Cover Drains and Toilets at Night
This next tip is one I never would have thought of! But, the truth is that most insects come up through toilets and plumbing points. So, covering your drains and making sure toilet lids are closed at night can help to prevent any creepy crawlies from popping up in the shower or bathroom unexpectedly.
3. Look for Holes around Pipes in the Laundry Room or Bathrooms
Essentially any place you have a pipe coming out of the wall, you want to look for holes. Our inspector made sure to check around the laundry room vents (we have some gaps to fill) and under the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms.
These can also be trouble areas for water too! Cockroaches aren’t also called waterbugs for nothing! They’re constantly searching out water sources in damp places. So, try to keep things as dry as possible. This includes doing the dishes!

The comment that stuck with me the most during (and after) our service with Orkin Pest Control is this, “pest control is like the armed forces protecting the country, but for your house.” It’s important to protect the exterior and create a bug barrier. Or, what started as a simple ant issue around our windows could have turned into something far worse.